Why A Dashboard?All event lovers know that the task of planning the event must go hand in hand with publishing and ultimately selling the event. The best place to start is finding a tool that can help you do both and publish what you need in the ease of one click. Think HootSuite but for Events. You get to choose your message, and then to who, where and when you push it out.
A structured platform will help you as an event professional platform your copy and send it out to all of your major networks. It's hard to keep up with Social Media, it's hard to find the time to open up all the channels and to differentiate your message for each audience. So many of us decide on only a couple of outlets, because it's easy...instead of because it's a right fit. Think about it. We have: Google +, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Message Boards, Apps, Websites and so much more to control. So why not find a dashboard that works for you and that can help you get your message out. You put your message in one place and blast it out. Tweaking the copy and message slightly if necessary. Here are some new and less new dashboards for you to try out. 1. Evently This UK based platform company helps you create online event pages, promote your events, engage with your audience, and most importantly analyze so that you can understand your event marketing success. 2. GetPromotdThis platform publishes your event to online listings and social networks. Get your event local coverage thought event calendars, national event sites and channels which can not only help you put the word out but give you an increase in attendance. 3. Event ChocolateThis site prides itself on providing you with: the right message, to the right people, at the right places. You get to market your message specifically where your audience is, and they allow for attendee recommendations. Have loyal attendees spread the word for you. They are not yet fully launched, but will be soon. Special Check Out: One Lobby This platform is in private beta right now, but once it's fully up and running it will be a conference and network discovery platform. As a user you will be able to connect with potential attendees, inform current attendees, and create a networking platform for attendees to connect prior to the conference. Do you have any other plaforms or dashboards that you would like to put forward? Let us know: nicolen at bengny dot com
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